سؤال وجواب

حل تمارين ص 17 في الانكليزية للسنة اولى ثانوي

حل تمرين الانجليزية للسنة الاولى ثانوي ص 17

حل تمارين ص 17 في الانجليزية للسنة اولى ثانوي

Your partner : Well, according to some historians the world has known 26 or 27 civilizations so far

?You : Which one is the oldest/earliest civilization
Your partner : The oldest/earliest civilization is the Sumerian civilization.
? You : How long ago did it start/begin/flourish/rise
Your partner : It started in Mesopotamia some 4000 years ago.
You : What about the Ancient Egyptian Civilization ? When and where did it start?

Your partner : Well, Ancient Egyptian Civilization started some 5,000 years ago along the Nile Valley.
?You : What was the major cause of the collapse of these civilizations
Your partner: According to most historians, the major cause was war. Most of the ancient civilizations fell into ruins as a result of external invasions.

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