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تعبير عن مقام الشهيد بالإنجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط؟

تعبير عن مقام الشهيد بالإنجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط؟ أهلا بكم تلاميذنا الكرام المتابعين عبر موسوعة فيرال النموذجية , حيث نزودكم بالمحتوى التعليمي الهادف , حيث نقدم لكم حل الاسئلة التعليمية والثقافية , وتحضير الدروس المهمة والمقررة في المنهاج التعليمي لهذا العام الدراسي , ومن هنا من هذه المقالة سوف نتطرق لتعبير عن مقام الشهيد بالإنجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط؟


تعبير عن مقام الشهيد بالإنجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط؟

سوف نرفق لكم أحبيت الطلاب خلال السطور التالية , تعبير عن مقام الشهيد بالإنجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط , وهنا تجدون كامل التعبير عن مقام الشهيد باللغة الانجليزية :

The “Martyrs Memorial” in Algeria is a monument to the struggle and sacrifices of the country of a million and a half A martyr, and a part of the Algerian currency, and the most beautiful thing that was built in Algeria to commemorate the souls of those who sacrificed dearly.

The Martyrs Memorial , was not built to boast of architectural art, but it was chosen to be a permanent visual image To the memory that immortalizes the heroes of Algeria, the martyrs, men and women, who gave their blood and pure souls , And their possessions, for freedom to be taken and not given

موضوع تعبير عن مقام الشهيد باللغة الإنجليزية للسنة الرابعة متوسط؟

A verse of creativity in Algerian art, and one of the most important archaeological and tourist attractions in Algeria, the Martyrs Memorial or Riad Al-Fath .

The Martyrs Memorial is located on the Hamma plateau overlooking the bay of Algiers and its environs, and was built to immortalize the struggle of the Algerian people and their resistance, and was inaugurated by the late President Al-Shazly bin Jadid on the 13th of Ramadan 1402 AH, corresponding to July 05, 1982 AD.

The great artist Bashir Yellis, who was the director of the National School of Fine Arts at that time, designed theMartyrs Memorial building, and its design came in the form of three palm fronds embracing in the middle and rising to the sky, and the Canadian company “Lavigne” supervised the completion of this project, which took Only 9 months to complete it.

فقرة عن مقام الشهيد بالانجليزية 4 متوسط

من الأماكن المهمة التي لها قيمة كبيرة عند أهلها في تلك البقعة الحرة التي ناضلت كثيراً واستطاعت أن تُقدم أكثر من مليون شعيد خلال الاحتلال عليها، ووجود المقام المهم الخاص الشهداء فيها، والذي رفضوا أن يموتوا الَّا بعدما يرووا الأرض بدمائهم الطاهرة والزكيَّة، ومن هنا جائت التسمية له بمقام الشهيد، وهو المقام الذي يتواجد فيه الكثير من الشهداء في الجزائر والذين ضحوا بحياتهم من أجل وطنهم، وهذه عبارة عن فقرة عن مقام الشعيد بالانجليزية.

The “Saints Memorial” in Algeria is a landmark to the battle and forfeits of the nation of a million and a large portion of A saint, and a piece of the Algerian money, and the most delightful thing that was implicit Algeria to honor the spirits of the individuals who forfeited truly.

The Martyrs Memorial , was not worked to flaunt structural craftsmanship, yet it was picked to be a perpetual visual picture To the memory that deifies the legends of Algeria, the saints, people, who gave their blood and unadulterated spirits , And their assets, for opportunity to be taken and not given.

A section of innovativeness in Algerian craftsmanship, and quite possibly the main archeological and vacation destinations in Algeria, the Martyrs Memorial or Riad Al-Fath .

The Martyrs Memorial is situated on the Hamma level neglecting the cove of Algiers and its environs, and was worked to deify the battle of the Algerian public and their obstruction, and was introduced by the late President Al-Shazly container Jadid on the thirteenth of Ramadan 1402 AH, relating to July 05, 1982 AD.

The extraordinary craftsman Bashir Yellis, who was the head of the National School of Fine Arts around then, planned theMartyrs Memorial building, and its plan came as three palm fronds grasping in the center and ascending to the sky, and the Canadian organization “Lavigne” regulated the fruition of this venture, which required Only 9 months to finish it.

With respect to the lower area, it is involved by the National Museum of the Mujahid, and it incorporates: the lasting show lobby, the library, the auditorium, a studio for recording live declarations and what is identified with varying media, the correspondence and web discussion, the photograph lab, the document corridor, the authoritative wing, and the privileged lobby. Not a long way from this milestone, there is a business and social complex comprised of various floors, and it incorporates present day markets, eateries, films, various customary people artworks and ventures shops, just as wonderful green spaces all through the spot.

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